The Swadhyay Mandir
By now the following had grown quite large and the
small house became inadequate so his devotees started a building
project at Songadh in 1937, which culminated in the 'Digamber Jain
Swadhyay Mandir'. In honour of his favourite scripture, one of his
devotees, who was later to become the leader of his following, Bahenshri
Champaben, installed the Samaysaar in the main temple and the words
of Acharya KundKund's five main treatises have been engraved on its
walls. A temple dedicated to Shrimandhar Swami was consecrated in
Kanji Swami travelled on pilgrimage throughout India where he gave discourses
and consecrated many temples. In 1980 he visited Kenya and installed many images
of Tirthankars at temples in various towns. He had a profound impact on one
particular family in Mombasa, the Bhagwanji Kachra family, who have continued
their support to-date and even in London take a very active role at the Digamber
Jain Mandir in Harrow. After a very dynamic and undoubtedly a revolutionary
life, Kanji Swami left for his heavenly abode in a state of Samadhi on 28th
November 1980.
Article written by Sh. Narendra Shah, London.