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Mahavir Janma Jayanti 16th April 2011

by admin on April 4th, 2011

2610 years ago, the last Tirthankar of our current cycle, Mahavir Bhagwan, was born. His teachings have been instrumental in propagating the knowledge of Jainism in our time and forthcoming times to come. This year, Mahavir Bhagwan’s Janma Jayanti falls on Saturday 16th April and the Mandal will join Jains all over the world in celebrating this auspicious day. This day also holds special relevance for us as it was also on this day in 1934 that Pujya Gurudev’s parivartan took place. The programme scheduled for the day is as follows:


08.15 – 09.15   Pujya Gurudev Kanji Swami’s CD Pravachan
09.15 – 11.00   Maha Mastak Abhisek including 61 inch Pratima of Mahavir Bhagwan, Jinendra Puja & Bhakti
11.00 – 11.30   Swadhyay

Please attend with the whole family and children especially!
Please also pass the message to fellow Jains and we hope all of you will attend with your families to celebrate this occasion. We look forward to seeing you on the day!

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