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Veer Shasan Jayanti

by admin on July 2nd, 2012

Veer Shasan Jayanti Adhyatmic Bhakti Programmme
Saturday 7th July 2012 from 7.00 – 8.30pm

Veer Shasan Jayanti is almost amongst us once again! This is the celebration of the start of Mahavir Bhagwan’s Divya Dhwani, a full 66 days after Mahavir Bhagwan attained Kevalgnan and his Samovasaran was assembled.

To celebrate, we will be having another Adhyatmik Bhakti programme led by Sandhyaben with live musician support on Saturday 7th July from 7.00 – 8.30pm. Those that joined us last Sunday will know that the programme was brimming with energy, bhav and Bhagwan’s messages to all of us to awaken the quest to experience the true nature of our souls.

We hope all of you will be able to attend!

Also, a 4 – CD set featuring several Bhakti’s conducted by Sandhyaben is available at a cost of £10 per set. If you wish to purchase any sets, please contact Rajesh at or telephone numbers 01923 836545 or 07905973555.

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